Expert executive search for impactful leadership talent
We provide executive search for functions from CEO and C-suite, right across the leadership team. We’ve sourced exceptional talent for organisations like yours.

We're not recruiters. We're executive search experts.
Deep cultural fit
Our policy of engaging only one client at a time per sector, and in-depth client discovery process mean we build genuine relationships and an unparalleled knowledge of your business values and goals to ensure a deep cultural fit every time. This also means we have no off-limits for our clients.
Fueling future growth
Clients keep telling us we've delivered their ‘best hire ever’. We're excited to connect you with executive leaders passionate about what they can contribute to your team and to the future success of your organisation.
Highly relevant talent matches
Your C-suite shortlist won’t be drafted by juniors trawling LinkedIn here. With senior-level engagement at every stage of the process, we have meaningful conversations with the right people early for faster, highly relevant results.
Global talent search
Our local knowledge is paired with global expertise. We may be small, but we're mighty, with coverage of Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the US and the UK.
Claude helped us with a CEO search for a major tourism operator. His management of the process and the candidates was thorough and highly efficient and made the task for our Board an enjoyable one. The successful candidate also found the process to be excellent and all have been delighted with the outcome.
Claude led the executive search process that resulted in my placement as the Chief Information Officer of Whitehaven Coal. At all times his communication with me was detailed and on point. It was an exceptional candidate experience and one that stood out from the norm.
Nick Zafiris, Chief Information Officer, Whitehaven Coal

We provide executive search for…
Travel & Entertainment—including Aviation, Gaming, Sports, and Hospitality
Healthcare—including Lifesciences, Allied Health, Hospitals, and Biotech
Consumer—including Media & Entertainment, Leisure, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods, and Retail & Luxury Goods
Services—including Management Consulting, Transport & Logistics, Technology Providers, and Communication